viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

Can't say I don't miss you

It hits me every now and then, the thought of you and my dream

my delusions that where so probable

and then you vanished like a rumor like a secret that was never repeated

I never felt like this not with so little effort

you should feel at least the void

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

I like late nights, when my city becomes a town 

and obstacles are sometimes cleared there is a little sense to it all 

after all the lines in the sand are gone you can see the beach, you can see the water

how can days also feel like this? 

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

A scene from my head

In a big Casino/Hotel in any of these modern Sin Cities A Bell-Boy is walking down a hallway only to come face to face with an inebriated guest who was tumbling down the corridor trying to hold on to his cowboy hat. Filled with nerves the young man's only instinct was to follow procedure and cordially conversate with the guest who was in front of him.

- Young Bell Boy: Are you enjoying your stay? (in a shaky manner)

-Guest: YES I'M ENJOYING MYSELF!! I'M ON A ROAD TRIP WITH MY CLOSEST FRIENDS DRINKING LIKE NEVER BEFORE, HAVING DRUG FUELED ORGIES WITH UNKOWN HOOKERS OF SEVERAL ETHNITICITIES AND GENRES, or what are you saying that i am only engaging in this type of activity to overcompensate for my lack of social life and acceptance or maybe you think I have some sort of repressed emotions from my childhood that can only manifested themselves in this anti-moral power trip that will only end in my further disassociation from society?

-Bell-Boy: Was.. was that yes?

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

The Price

Who knows why?

who knows when?

who knows how?

but it will be,  it may be happening now

maybe it's that tube you can't let go

or that creep outside your door

but be sure, it will be

who's to make that call?  and you think you're in control.


miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Last night was


I was somewhere that was supposed to be school but there where bars everywhere and it felt like I was trapped and also nasty stuff was going on. Some friends of mine where there  specially one of my friends from school, he had a band and they were playing music in one the rooms ,she was there looking angelical and of course being the object of my obsession, somebody had a camera and took a picture of her but I destroyed it right after.

I found this messing around an old computer

Oh how I wonder what's behind this velvet rope

what really makes this thing go round

who am I shaming now?

what if stopping is not the answer

so many questions

so little time

under a microscope are we?

this is not possible

only a sadist would let us wonder around

like headless chickens stepping on heads

he must look away

dead subject, its never enough

maybe next time we can do better

like lost words in a muffled mouth

but maybe next time it will be found

the things that make us monsters and heroes

maybe that's what he wants


promise you will say when my face starts to change

you will let me go into the circle

you will tell me what to say

he says he loves me but

all I feel is despair

sends me into the desert with an empty canteen

and millions of bottles with sand in them

sure some sand is grey others are yellow

but sand is always sand

maybe I'm going crazy

maybe I'm crazy already

here I am sitting in silence while

the screams keep me entertained

my screams, the worst one that you can't hear

if you begin to flake and your body tires

don't worry the desert will help you

it's comforting to sit

to feel the sand on your back

but don't stay too long or sand you will become

buried under the desert is a river of emotions

that sit still and never surface

because the desert is bigger

always rising more and more

A sea of fire